A story I have never told.

A story I have never told.

This is what mental health can look like. What you immediately see is a man who looks sick on the outside when in fact it was the inside that caused this. It was 11am in Las Vegas, I had been under a great deal of stress performing 400 shows a year, creating a tv show, and all the circumstances combined with my long battle with panic disorder created a perfect storm. I felt I was having a heart attack, I was sure of it. I was rushed to the hospital where over the loud speaker they proclaimed a “38 year old male cardiac arrest”. My wife was standing there holding our new born daughter who was crying. I feared that in the coming moments I was going to die. We had a show that next day in Denver Colorado and I wasn’t able to attend. I spent 48 hours in the hospital undergoing tests. When I say I have severe anxiety, panic attacks and Bi-polar episodes l mean it. They have shaped me into the person I am today, good or bad. I wanted to share this for anyone out there who is loosing hope, who are going through brutal ups and downs and seemingly can’t get a grip on their lives. I don’t have my life figured out but I have learned to just be thankful for the good days I do have, that’s all I can ask for, more good days than bad days. Much love to you all❤️


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