Medieval Torture for the unfaithful,

Medieval Torture for the unfaithful,

here is but just seven of them which if you were unfaithful or a criminal or even just a wroungun you may have received a very sore end on some of these devices 

1. Flaying is a method of slow and painful torture and/or execution in which skin is removed from the body. Generally, an attempt is made to keep the removed portion of skin intact

2.The Heretic's fork was a small metal device with two opposed bi-pronged forks attached to a belt. One sharp end was placed against the victim’s throat and the other against their sternum. The victim was forced to hold their head up; if they dropped it, the prongs would pierce their neck and chest.

3. Rat torture was a method used in medieval times. It involved putting a pot of hungry rats into a cage that was strapped to the victim's stomach. The cage was then slowly heated, causing the distressed rats to chew and claw through the victim, trying to escape

4.Crucifixion was once a brutal form of humiliating death. The victim was nailed to a cross or pole—often in public—and left to hang, bleeding from their wounds until sepsis, starvation, or exposure finally set in. Death could take over a week.

5.The rack was a popular torture device used to extract information. The victim's ankles were tied to a roller below and their wrists to a roller above. The torturer would turn a wheel, slowly increasing the tension on the victim's joints until their limbs were dislocated or even torn off.

6.The Pear of Anguish was a medieval European torture device, a pear-shaped metal or wooden tool that expanded when a screw was turned, causing severe pain. It was inserted into a victim's mouth, anus, or vagina as punishment, often for blasphemy, witchcraft, or homosexuality

7.The breaking wheel was a brutal medieval torture and execution device. It prolonged the victim’s agony by breaking their bones before they died.


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