One of the most agonizing execution methods in human history

One of the most agonizing execution methods in human history

, flaying was likely first practiced by the ancient Assyrians of Mesopotamia. Not only did they skin their prisoners of war alive, but they also took strides to make their victims' deaths as painful as possible. Assyrian executioners often started with the victim's buttocks or thighs, using sharp blades to pull the skin off in clean strips so that they could later hang them on the city walls. 

This practice later continued on a massive scale during the Ming Dynasty in China between 1368 and 1644 C.E. The cruel Emperor Taizu reportedly slaughtered some 40,000 people just for criticizing him. Then, he followed the Assyrian model of flaying them and hanging their skins from the wall. And unfortunately, this was far from the last time this brutal execution method would be used.


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