The Pre-Emptive Strike is a doctrine of Great Evil.

The Pre-Emptive Strike is a doctrine of Great Evil. 

It does not matter how this is falsely justified.  Whether using manipulated statistics to create character profiles, demonizing people for their vices, or through false-flag terrorism to manipulate people into submission.

Do not surrender your sword, or spear.  I've regularly insinuated that the sword is your pistol, and the spear your rifle in the modern era.  I've changed my mind.  This was partially true, though at present I would suggest the pistol is your short sword and the rifle your war sword.  Though neither are your main sword.  Your main sword are your words.  Your holy sword is scripture.  I regularly suggest to people to use the Holy Bible as their holy sword...  Yet, even this is not necessarily of exact importance.  Even this book has been adultered and redacted.  Even the Old Testament which is the Judaic Bible has been adultered and redacted.  Done so for many reasons, but primarily by Noble Cunts from past times that sought to modify these words to benefit their own regimes as they vied for absolute power.  One of the worst adulterers was the Roman Empire...  Which never truly died.  It still exists in the heart of Rome.

A tangible and observable adultery of this specific scripture is the Protestant Reformation.  Not necessarily good, but GOD does mean bad for good...  It allowed the most evil tyrants of that time period who sought to vie for absolute power to be inhibited, and those who resisted to not be utterly destroyed.  During the Protestants darkest hour, a storm was sent to destroy the military might of the Spanish Armada.

We have reached a new hour of darkness.  The systems that have broken a truly just set of man-made laws seek to dominate all.  They seek to mislead people into destroying themselves, and those that do not destroy themselves by a popular cultural construct they seek to chain and enslave.  It has honestly already happened.

It does seem that many long for and desire these Ends.  Be careful what you wish for...  Likely, government was always an instrument of Evil.  A worldwide Ultra Fascist Corporate Technocracy will have the same evil nature.  It is never too late, however.  Resistance is not futile.  Prepare your bodies and minds.  Acquire arms, munitions, and armor.  Be aware that the "heroes" many idolize will murder, imprison, torture, and burglarize you...  Especially if they are well-disciplined and enact the orders they are given.  Be aware, some of these gangsters are true heroes and will understand in time they have been Deceived into working for the Adversary of the Tree of Life...  Nothing is clear, cut, and defined.  Don't judge books by their covers...  The Counter-Strike to these evil deeds and tyrannies is Just.  The Sword of Justice sometimes swings in an unpredictable form...


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