OKADA the Nigeria popular word for Motorcycle was named after a village in Edo state !!!

Originally It was nicknamed after Okada Air, the very first Private-Airline in Nigeria {1983 -1997}. A now defunct Nigeria Airline Named after the Owner Sir Chief Dr,Gabriel Osawaru Hometown OKADA-Town..
OKADA Town is located in Ovia North east and it also houses the very first private university {IUO} in Nigeria; 
The word Okada itself is derived from two edo words; Oke means hill in Edo language while Ada is a name of a River. 
 ‘Oke’ & ‘Ada’ -“The hill top of River Ada”
In January 2020 the word “OKADA” was added to the OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY— “a noun for motorcycle in the dictionary”  
but in actual sense it’s an edo word & the very first Edo word in the English
The airline made motorcycles to be called okada in Nigeria because of its speed .
The same airline was disestablished in 1997….
Nigeria Deep 🥲


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