A couple, the woman in modest attire and her husband in a simple suit, arrived

A couple, the woman in modest attire and her husband in a simple suit, arrived

unannounced at Harvard University's principal office after disembarking from a train at Boston Station. The receptionist, judging them hastily, initially dismissed their purpose.
"We would like to meet with the principal," the man requested quietly.
"He's occupied all day," the secretary curtly replied.
"We'll wait," the woman asserted.
Hours passed with the couple patiently seated, prompting the secretary to reluctantly inform the director of their persistence.
"Perhaps if you meet with them briefly, they'll leave on their own," she suggested.
Grudgingly, the director acquiesced. Upon their entrance, he scrutinized them with a stern gaze. The woman spoke softly:
"Our son studied here and cherished this place. Sadly, he passed away unexpectedly a year ago. We wish to establish a memorial in his honor."
The director, visibly annoyed, retorted, "We can't erect memorials for every student who dies. It would turn this place into a cemetery."
"No, not a memorial or statue," the woman interjected hastily. "We wish to build a new building for Harvard."
The director scoffed, noting their modest attire, "Do you have any idea how much that would cost? Our buildings are valued at over seven million dollars."
The woman paused briefly before calmly saying to her husband, "Is building a university that inexpensive? Perhaps we should start our own."
With a nod of agreement, they left without further discussion. The director was left bewildered as the couple departed.
In Palo Alto, California, they indeed founded a university in memory of their son – Stanford University.


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