
Showing posts from September, 2024

I am a mother of two children I am 26 years old I am also married this is the fifth year,

I am a mother of two children I am 26 years old I am also married this is the fifth year, we were fine with my husband the problem came there is this woman outside there was a day she called me and told me that she is a wife my fellow Then I asked the man and he refused, I calmed down but when that woman started sending me a picture with my husband, she insulted me a lot and claimed that she doesn't love me, she loves him. She lives with me because of the children. Then I persevered because I saw my children going to school, he pays fees and services, I blocked my ears, but the problem was that me and my husband were talking, the woman knew what it meant, she was the one who was telling him, then the disrespect increased, I kept quiet, life continued but until there is a time, I tell my husband that if you love him, be free. Say I will leave with my children and live with them😞😞 She refuses to say that I love you my wife but the surprising thing is that there is a day I have sat

confess or suffer.

The Dark Dance of Faith and Fear: Torture in the Spanish Inquisition Let us journey back to a time when faith and fear intertwined in a macabre waltz. The year is 1478, and the Spanish Inquisition has just unfurled its ominous wings over the land. Let us set the scene, somber chambers where inquisitors, cloaked in righteous zeal, sought to purge heresy from the souls of the accused. Their tools? Not just scripture and sermon, but rack and rope, water and fire. The air thick with the scent of fear, suspects faced a terrible choice: confess or suffer. The cruel embrace of the strappado loosened many an innocent tongue, joints popping like firecrackers as bodies swung in agony. Others gasped and sputtered, lungs burning as water poured endlessly down their throats in a mockery of baptism. Yet, in this theater of torment, even false confessions were deemed truth. For in the minds of the inquisitors, pain was the purifying fire that burned away deceit. This dark chapter serves as a chillin

Nellie Neal Lawing, known as "Alaska Nellie

Nellie Neal Lawing, known as "Alaska Nellie," was a pioneering figure who epitomized the adventurous spirit of the Alaskan frontier. Born in the late 19th century, she ventured into the wilds of Alaska, becoming a legendary figure known for her diverse skills as a roadhouse operator, big game hunter, and river guide. Her roadhouses provided essential hospitality to travelers braving the harsh terrain, and her culinary skills made her famous for her excellent meals. Although her gold mining ventures weren't always successful, her tenacity and resourcefulness made her an invaluable asset to explorers and miners. Beyond her adventurous career, Nellie documented her experiences through writing, sharing vivid stories of her encounters and the Alaskan wilderness she cherished. Her narratives earned her a place as a beloved storyteller. In her later years, she retired to the Roosevelt roadhouse on Kenai Lake, where she continued to influence the community. In 1924, the post offi

The boys were intrigued and reached for the branches

During the summer of 1937, Otisville locals Dale Smith, aged 13, and Everett Betts, aged 7, noticed branches sticking up in the waters of Picnic Lake. The boys were intrigued and reached for the branches , only to discover the “wood” wasn’t really wood at all… The boys pulled out the antlers and skeletal remains of a huge 6- by 6-foot elk rack. After leaving the skull and bones behind, they took the antlers home and hung them up years afterward. In the 1980s, Smith donated the antlers to the Otisville Area Historical Association. The museum staff sent the antlers to a lab in Florida for carbon dating testing. The results shocked the town—not only were the antlers much older than the original guess of 70 years, but they were remnants of a now-extinct species of elk, the Eastern elk. The carbon dating results posited that the antlers could be from as early as 1520, but were most likely from between 1640 and 1660. Today, the antlers are on display at the Otisville Area Historical Associat

Fearlessly beautiful.

The Dahomey Amazons were a all-front female military regiment of the Kingdom of Dahomey, Benin Republic West Africa. They were know for their fèarless attributes, amazing sword and spear skills. Wakanda got their inspiration from these fearless women. Fearlessly beautiful. The Dahomey Amazon warrior trained intensely, often in hand-to-hand combat amongst themselves. Discipline was very much emphasized as they learnt survival skills. The Dahomey Amazons were not allowed to have children or partake in any form of family life, as they were formally married to the King. As he didn’t have sexual relations with them, as a result, they remained celibate, although very few were given off in marriage to respected dignitaries of the kingdom. The Woman King is the remarkable story of the Agojie (Dahomey Amazon). Inspired by true events, The Woman King follows the emotionally epic journey of General Nanisca (Oscar -winner Viola Davis) as she inspires the King to take on the enemies determined to

Ladi Kwali (1925 - 1984), the woman on the Nigeria 🇳🇬 twenty naira note.

Ladi Kwali (1925 - 1984), the woman on the Nigeria 🇳🇬 twenty naira note. She was born in the village of Kwali, Gwari region of Northern Nigeria, where pottery was a common occupation among women. She was so skilled that her work became known in Europe, Britain and America. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, her work was displayed in London at the Berkeley Galleries. She became Nigeria's best-known potter, was awarded a doctorate and was made MBE in 1963 despite not having a formal education.

Few different aspects of Islamic history, but it's people usually hide it. (Homosexuality) ISLAMIC ECONOMIC??

Few different aspects of Islamic history, but it's people usually hide it. (Homosexuality)  ISLAMIC ECONOMIC?? PARADIGM, DISCIPLINE AND INDEPENDENCE: Is Islamic economics independent from economics? Does it make a paradigm of its own? Does it depend of a set of assumptions and analytical tools that is different from economics? Does it make a discipline of its own? Many Islamic economists have an undoubted affirmative answer. They argue that it is independent and they take upon themselves the task of attempting to invent an “appropriate set” of tools to understand the behavior of Muslim consumer, firm, macro numbers. The fervor of this attitude was very apparent when the world of economics had two-part Apartheid: communism and capitalism. In fact, communist writers also attempted to identify theirs as an independent paradigm while the capitalist have hidden their agenda under the plain name of “economics” for a long time. To the Islamic religion and ideology, capitalist and communis


I SENT MY BROTHER MONEY TO TAKE CARE OF OUR MOM AND WAS SHOCKED WHEN I MADE A SURPRISE VISIT TO SEE HER. When I moved to Europe for work, my biggest worry wasn’t about settling in a new country—it was about how my mom would manage without me. I’d lived with her all these years, and even though I knew chasing career opportunities abroad was the right move, leaving her behind wasn’t easy. She was super supportive, reassuring me she’d be fine, but I could tell it was tough on her. So, I asked my younger brother to check in on her at least once a week.  As time went on, and Mom turned 65, I realized she needed more attention. She wasn’t helpless, but keeping up with a big house at that age wasn’t easy, and her health wasn’t quite the same. I offered to pay my brother monthly to help out more, and he agreed. I kept in touch, calling regularly, and everything seemed fine.  But then one day, I decided to surprise her with a visit. And when I walked into her house, I was completely shocked.👇


10 REASONS NOT TO DATE AN OLDER WOMAN. 1. SHE IS DISRESPECTFUL An older woman won't respect you because she sees you as her junior or a boy not mature enough to guide her. She is probably funding your lifestyle and this makes her disrespect you even more.  2. SHE IS ANGRY Since she is older, she will not plug into your masculine energy. This leaves her empty, deprived and frustrated. What follows is a series of drama and chaos including alcoholism. She hates her life, she is angry at herself and therefore she will project this anger towards you.  3. SHE IS REBELLIOUS An older woman believes she is more mature and experienced than you in the marriage. She will openly refuse your instructions and order. She will ridicule your actions and defy you both in public and private. 4. SHE IS MANIPULATIVE An older woman will manipulate you for her own egocentric needs. She will trick you to make wrong decisions that fulfil her temporary desires then when things backfire she will blame you and

In Ancient Greece, Socrates had a great reputation for wisdom.

In Ancient Greece, Socrates had a great reputation for wisdom. One day, someone came to find the great philosopher and said to him: "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?" "A moment," replied Socrates. "Before you tell me, I would like to test it with the three sieves." "The three sieves?" "Yes," continued Socrates. "Before you speak about others, it's important to take the time to filter what you mean. I call it the test of the three sieves. The first sieve is TRUTH. Have you checked if what you're going to tell me is true?" "No, I just heard it." "Very well! So, you don't know if it's true. Let's move on to the second sieve, that of KINDNESS. Is what you want to tell me about my friend something good?" "Oh, no! On the contrary." "So," questioned Socrates, "you want to tell me something negative about him, and you're not even sure it's true? P

The Pre-Emptive Strike is a doctrine of Great Evil.

The Pre-Emptive Strike is a doctrine of Great Evil.  It does not matter how this is falsely justified.  Whether using manipulated statistics to create character profiles, demonizing people for their vices, or through false-flag terrorism to manipulate people into submission. Do not surrender your sword, or spear.  I've regularly insinuated that the sword is your pistol, and the spear your rifle in the modern era.  I've changed my mind.  This was partially true, though at present I would suggest the pistol is your short sword and the rifle your war sword.  Though neither are your main sword.  Your main sword are your words.  Your holy sword is scripture.  I regularly suggest to people to use the Holy Bible as their holy sword...  Yet, even this is not necessarily of exact importance.  Even this book has been adultered and redacted.  Even the Old Testament which is the Judaic Bible has been adultered and redacted.  Done so for many reasons, but primarily by Noble Cunts from past

In the heart of Louisiana in 1940, Mrs. M.C. Ray and her family faced a challenging transition as they adjusted to life in a new town.

In the heart of Louisiana in 1940, Mrs. M.C. Ray and her family faced a challenging transition as they adjusted to life in a new town. Originally from Mangum, a small community where they had made their living through farming, the Rays had relocated to Camp Livingston, seeking better economic opportunities. Her husband, a construction worker at the camp, had taken this step to support his family and secure a steadier income. But the transition was far from easy. The Rays’ move had coincided with an outbreak of flu, afflicting the entire family and making their new start even more daunting. In Mangum, their life had been centered around the rhythms of farming, but now they found themselves in a bustling environment with its own set of challenges. The financial strain became evident quickly. Upon their arrival, the Rays were forced to sell their car, a necessity that limited their ability to travel to nearby Alexandria for supplies. Without reliable transportation, trips to get essentia

A husband wanted to surprise his wife on her birthday

A husband wanted to surprise his wife on her birthday , so he decided to make her a big heart-shaped cake with the help of the house girl.  The ignørant house girl who knows nothing about the shape of love or heart then asked the man what that shape is and he simply answered by telling her it was LOVE . When they were done making the big love-cake , tired and sleepy, the man laid on one of the sofas in the living room swēating as a result of the strēss of cake making. The house girl,who was also very tired laid on one of the sofas in the living room too , swēating and slëeping. After some while, the man's wife,  who's the madam of the house came home , opened the door to the living room and saw her husband swēating and slëeping, the house girl too . Infūriated, she slāpped the house girl repeatedly, awakening her... Madam: You this stupīd girl! Why are you slëeping in the living room?! Don't you have a room?! And by the way, is this the time to sleep?!  House girl: I'm


```this is not for the weak READ AND GIVE ME YOUR ANSWER: ‼️‼️ A widow mom leaves her house and goes to fetch water, leaving her only child asleep. On her return, she found a large crowd around her burning house. On the inside, her son is about to die in the fire. Throwing her bowl of water on the floor, and crying, she wants to get into the burning house to look for her son. Everyone keeps saying, "You're going to die too, fire is very great." Escaping from their hands, she enters the fire and wrapped her son in a blanket. The child, tight against her breast, is not touched by the fire. Mummy comes out severely burnt and is only narrowly saved; thanks to the care of the hospital, but she lives with scars and unrecognizable. Many years passed.  The child, under the guidance of his mother, completed his studies and was appointed minister. He organized a party at his villa on his appointment, and invited all the dignitaries of the city and his friends. While they were in fu

A story I have never told.

A story I have never told. This is what mental health can look like. What you immediately see is a man who looks sick on the outside when in fact it was the inside that caused this. It was 11am in Las Vegas, I had been under a great deal of stress performing 400 shows a year, creating a tv show, and all the circumstances combined with my long battle with panic disorder created a perfect storm. I felt I was having a heart attack, I was sure of it. I was rushed to the hospital where over the loud speaker they proclaimed a “38 year old male cardiac arrest”. My wife was standing there holding our new born daughter who was crying. I feared that in the coming moments I was going to die. We had a show that next day in Denver Colorado and I wasn’t able to attend. I spent 48 hours in the hospital undergoing tests. When I say I have severe anxiety, panic attacks and Bi-polar episodes l mean it. They have shaped me into the person I am today, good or bad. I wanted to share this for anyone out the

Fields of Honor, Hearts of Faith: Jimmie Eugene 'Fuzz' Ellis (1942-2008)

Fields of Honor, Hearts of Faith: Jimmie Eugene 'Fuzz' Ellis (1942-2008) Where sweet potatoes stretch and grow,   In Vardaman, where soft winds blow,   Lived Jimmie Eugene, known as Fuzz,   A man of honor, and deep-rooted trust. Born in July, '42's embrace,   In Calhoun's fields, he found his place.   But when his country called for men,   He answered proudly, time and again. In '62, the Corps he joined,   With rifle firm, his skills enjoined,   Good Conduct Medals, he earned with pride,   A Marine through and through, deep inside. Four years he served, with strength and grace,   Defending freedom in every place.   In '66, he laid arms down,   Honored and strong, he returned to town. His service didn’t end with war,   He built a life, with so much more.   For twenty-one years, he worked with care,   At Farm Bureau, always there. He guided folks through thick and thin,   With wisdom deep and a steady grin.   On Bancorp South's board, he gave his say,   Le

A 78-Year-old man fell apart and was transported to the hospital.

A 78-Year-old man fell apart and was transported to the hospital. They gave him an oxygen to support him for 24 hours. After a while, he was better. So, the doctor gave him his $5000,00 note, and when he saw the bill, he started crying. The doctor told him not to cry because of the bill. But the man said, I don't cry because of money, I can pay all the money. I'm crying because for only 24 hours of using oxygen, I have to pay $5000,00 ... But I've been breathing the free air of God for 78 years. I never paid anything, do you know how much I owe him? The doctor lowered his head and fell tears. Now, to you who reads this, you breathe the free air of God without any price to pay for years. Please just take 2 seconds of your time and Shout ..Thank your God for the breath of life

Angry man attacks official who caught him defecating by roadside in Lagos

Angry man attacks official who caught him defecating by roadside in Lagos An employee of the  Lagos State Environment and Water Resources on Tuesday was attacked by a yet-to-be-identified man caught defecating on the road median at Berger, along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. The suspect who has been remanded in prison for assaulting the officer, was reportedly defecating on the median when the employee, led by officials of the Lagos State Environmental Sanitation Corps (LAGESC) descended on him. While trying to resist arrest, the suspect who was however, overpowered by the officials, attacked the victim, injuring him in the process. “He was caught just like others but resisted arrest and decided to fight them. He hit one of the officials with an object on the head which caused him to bleed,” a source privy to the incident disclosed Confirming the incident, the Commissioner for Environment and Water Resources, Tokunbo Wahab, said the suspect will appear again in court on October 29 from

Man Electrocuted While… Man Electrocuted While Vandalizing Transformer, Cables In Benue

Man Electrocuted While… Man Electrocuted While Vandalizing Transformer, Cables In Benue A middle-aged man yet to be identified, was in the early hours of yesterday electrocuted while allegedly vandalizing a Jos Electricity Distribution Company’s transformer and cables located opposite Queens Hotel, Ankpa, Makurdi, the Benue State capital. The vandal was found dead and his lifeless body seen in between the two poles connecting the cables to the transformer mounted close to the main road. It was gathered from one of the eyewitnesses, that the suspected vandal had gone to the transformer at about 3-4am yesterday and succeeded in using his pliers to cutoff the cables from the transformer. It was further gathered that he was electrocuted with the sudden restoration of power while he was trying to pull out the vandalized cable. According to an eyewitness who resides in the area who identified himself as Timothy Ejeh, the suspect took advantage of the nonavailability of power supply in the ar

Pastor Arrested for killing landlady’s son and burying him secretly inside room

Pastor Arrested for killing landlady’s son and burying him secretly inside room Police operatives from the Ejigbo Division in Lagos have arrested a cleric, Pastor Anthony Israel of the Jesus Disciples Assembly Church, for allegedly killing the son of his landlady,  AbdulRahman Olugbade, 17 and secretly burying him inside an uncompleted room. reports that the incident happened on Monday 2nd September, 2024, at Jesus Assembly Street, Omoguwa area of Ejigbo, where he was given an apartment for free by the mother of the deceased,  Mrs. Temitope Olugbade. What would have led Israel to have murdered the victim, who just passed all his subjects in WAEC exam and was waiting to write JAMB before he was buried secretly, was not disclosed by the Police. The 35-year old Pastor Israel was alleged to have used a knife to slit the victim’s throat while he was sleeping. He then went to their neighbour and borrowed a shovel and hammer which he used to dig a shallow grave inside a room and

Man Electrocuted While Attempting To Vandalize Transformer, Cables In Benue Date: 04-09-2024 9:32 am ( at 09:32 AM)

Man Electrocuted While Attempting To Vandalize Transformer, Cables In Benue Date: 04-09-2024 9:32 am ( at 09:32 AM)  A middle-aged man, whose identity is yet to be established, was electrocuted early on Tuesday while attempting to vandalise a transformer and cables belonging to the Jos Electricity Distribution Company The incident occurred opposite the Queens Hotel, located at Ankpa Ward in Makurdi, the Benue State capital. Residents awoke to find the vandal’s lifeless body hanging between two poles connecting the cables to the transformer. One of the residents, who identified himself as Terkula, told our correspondent that the victim took advantage of power outages in the area to commit the act. He added that the man likely met his end when power was unexpectedly restored. He added that the man likely met his end when power was unexpectedly restored.

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 924 As the

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 924 As the war enters its 924th day, these are the main developments. Rescue efforts in Poltava ended with the death toll rising to 55, with some 328 people injured [Ukraine Emergency Ministry Press Service via AFP] Here is the situation on Friday, September 6, 2024. Fighting Ukraine emergency services said at least 55 people had been confirmed dead and 328 injured after they completed their search and rescue operation at a military educational institute in the Ukrainian town of Poltava that was hit by a Russian missile on Tuesday. Belgorod Regional Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said one civilian was killed in Ukrainian shelling on the town of Shebekino in the southern border region. Ukraine’s air force said it shot down 60 out of 78 drones launched by Russia in an overnight attack. It added that Russia also used one ballistic Iskander-M missile in the bombardment. Ukraine’s top military commander, Oleksandr Syrskii, told the CNN news

Please i need advice on this, post for me I am married with 2 kids ,

Please i need advice on this, post for me I am married with 2 kids , i met my husband when he had nothing , we dated for 5 years and we are married for 6 years now, we suffered to the extent of begging food from family members and neighbors . All this long, he pretended to be a good man and that was why i married him Fast forward, 2 years after, i had a job which was paying very good , i took loan to buy him car to use as Uber here in Accra, he became financially stable after 1 year driving the uber. I bought another car for my personal use which he sometimes drives it when he don’t go to work . My husband dont care about me ever since he became financially stable. He dosnt touch me when he return from work, he sleeps in the sofa or the guest room, he doesn’t sleep in the bedroom again. My husband has now turned different leaves, he is cheating on me with different girls, some are married women, born one’s whom i am even more beautiful than them.  Anytime I approach him of his behavio

For years, I barely called my mom. I was busy working on Wall Street,

For years, I barely called my mom. I was busy working on Wall Street, so those calls became few and far between. Honestly, they almost stopped altogether. But one day, I needed to go to her house to get some documents. I took a flight back home without telling her, thinking maybe she’d be happy to see me. But when I got there, the sight that greeted me gave me the worst chills and goosebumps of my life. Our house was torn down, completely ruined, destroyed... everything was in ruins. WHERE WAS MOM?! With trembling hands, I called her again and again—no answer. The cold beeps made my fear worse. I fell to my knees and burst into tears. Had I really lost my mom like this?! what should I do now?

On this day, 3 September 1942, Jewish residents of the Łachwa Ghetto in modern-day Belarus staged an uprising against the Nazi army occupying their community.

On this day, 3 September 1942, Jewish residents of the Łachwa Ghetto in modern-day Belarus staged an uprising against the Nazi army occupying their community. It was a response to the planned mass killing of Jewish inhabitants of the area, which had begun the previous day.  Long before this order was made public, though, the Jews of Łachwa had been organising across lines of political affiliation and class to build an underground resistance against the Nazis. This underground was primarily led by young people, such as Issac Rosczyn (pictured, left), Asher Hafets, Hersz Migdalowicz, and more who built a core group of 30 residents.  Violent rebellion began that morning when Dov Lopatin (right), another leader in the area, set fire to a government building to signal the rest of the community. Working off the plans of the underground, Jewish residents set dozens of other buildings ablaze, then rushing to the surrounding forest in an attempt to escape. Meanwhile, members of the underground

World War II devastated the lives of more than 100 million people around the world

World War II devastated the lives of more than 100 million people around the world , but few places were as ravaged as Japanese-occupied China. Between the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and the end of the war in 1945, some 20 million Chinese people were killed — and approximately 3,000 of the unluckiest civilians suffered some of the most torturous deaths of the entire war. In 1936, the Imperial Japanese Army established Unit 731, a top-secret research division tasked with studying the latest developments in chemical and biological warfare. From cutting off limbs and reattaching them on the other side of the body to submerging captives in freezing water to purposefully give them frostbite, there was no limit to the brutality of Unit 731. In all, the department's atrocities, including the germ weapons of theirs that were later deployed, are believed to have killed as many as half a million people.

On the night before Ed Leedskalnin's wedding in the early 1900s,

On the night before Ed Leedskalnin's wedding in the early 1900s, his bride-to-be and the love of his life called off their engagement. Devastated, Leedskalnin resolved to move to the United States by himself and build his love a mansion that might make her fall back in love with him. And so in 1923, he purchased a tract of land in Florida City and began building a monolithic palace out of stony coral. Over the next 20 years, Leedskalnin singlehandedly carved and stacked 1,100 tons of stone to create the magnificent Coral Castle that still stands today — and nobody knows exactly how he did it.

Lest We Forget . . . . . .

Lest We Forget . . . . . . This man lived in the alcove of the old Finlay's tobacconist kiosk, in Camden Town Underground Station and although he had been living there since the early 1970's, nobody knew anything about him. He didn't beg, he refused to accept money, he never drank alcohol, he didn't smoke and for me, he was as much a part of Camden Town as the tube station itself. He only spoke to me once and it was on the day that I took this photograph. He'd seen me walking around with my camera loads of times but on this particular occasion he stopped me and said, "photographs are important, because people soon forget". I always knew that there was a lot more to him than the image he presented to the world but I was stunned, when I read his story in the Camden Journal, the week after he passed away in 1988. He was born in Poland and when the Germans invaded in 1939, he made his way to England. He fought in the battle of Britain, flying a Spitfire in one

The Taiping Rebellion: One Of History's Bloodiest Battles You Probably Didn't Know About

The Taiping Rebellion: One Of History's Bloodiest Battles You Probably Didn't Know About ❓How and Why It Happened In the mid-19th century, China was in turmoil. The Qing Dynasty was struggling with internal strife, economic distress, and foreign pressures. Amidst this chaos emerged Hong Xiuquan, a Hakka Chinese who believed he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ. Inspired by his visions and Christian teachings, Hong sought to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and establish a "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace" (Taiping Tianguo). Hong's movement attracted millions, particularly those disillusioned by the existing social order and the corruption of the Qing government. By 1851, Hong and his followers had launched a full-scale rebellion, capturing significant territories including Nanjing, which they declared as their capital in 1853. 🩸Brutal Consequences The Taiping Rebellion was one of the bloodiest conflicts in history. Lasting from 1850 to 1864, it claimed the lives

What hurts worse, a punch or a boot in the face or butt, or a blow from a policeman's baton?

What hurts worse, a punch or a boot in the face or butt, or a blow from a policeman's baton? I have never seen (in person) a punch kill or a boot in the butt. I have seen a man kicked in the face who then died right there on the spot. It was a bar fight on a street called Clay Morgan Alley in St Louis. I was a Patrolman working an overtime shift walking a foot beat on the gaslight entertainment district down by the river. There was an altercation where a man fell down to the ground on his back. One of the three people attacking him kicked him in the face before I could get to them. By the time I ran the 20 feet to the victim he was already dying from a massive skull fracture. He had a strange breathing pattern people do right as they die. I think it’s called “agonal breathing” if my Paramedic training decades ago is correctly remembered. His head felt like a bag of skin holding many pieces of broken pottery in the rear particularly. The people that killed him had a good laugh and t