Good morning.

Good morning.

At the time that we joined together to ratify the Kayanarekówa (Great Peace), a total eclipse darkened the skies so deeply that the nocturnal animals woke to encircle and witness the calm of the people who unified under the Great White Pine. As our brother the Sun re-emerged from behind the kindness of Grandmother Moon, all Onkwehonwe were awakened with a new sense of unity and we intend to walk in unity until the end of time.

Haudenosaunee communities are aligned with the eclipse path.There is no evidence that this alignment has happened since the stories of Kayanarekówa (Great Law) and there is no evidence that it will happen again.

In this world of war, we are reminded of the monumental role that Peace Mother, Tsiokonsaseh played in establishing unity, equality and peace among the nations.

We are calling in peace now and we are elevating Peace Mother and our voices to call for reunification. Some believe that Tekanawita/Deganawida (Peacemaker) will return in this time of great wars.

Foundational to Haudenosaunee identity is the transmission of feminine knowledge, social structures and diplomacy and we have found a time and place to recapture that way of understanding; under the sky, hand in hand, in song and in a display of effeminate matrilineal power.

In full ceremony, my water moves and I'm full of inspiration, anticipation and absolute love.


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